5 concepts to build an entrepreneurial mindset
By now, we are all aware that our mindset profoundly affects our lives and the outcomes of what we do. It’s no wonder that posts about self-affirmation are so popular these days. There are perceptions that we form about who and what we are, and our capabilities that hinder our growth, and our ability to activate the potential within ourselves.
This is where our mindset or state of mind comes in. Growing and managing a business is challenging at the best of times. It requires hard work, determination, wearing many hats, sacrifices, adaptability, and courage. It requires a strong entrepreneurial mindset.
But what is the entrepreneurial mindset?
Our mindset is a belief system we have, developed as we grow up, based on what we see, hear or certain experiences. It is assumptions and beliefs that inform how we make decisions which guides our behavior. An entrepreneurial mindset is inherent in an individual, it may just be that you have been unable to tap into the entrepreneurial mindset. This ability is impacted by many factors, one of them being upbringing. On the plus side, an entrepreneurial mindset can be accessed with the right motivation .
Hear are 5 tips to foster your entrepreneurial mindset
1. Belief
It is very important to believe in the product or service which you bring to the market. You cannot expect to gain customers who are willing to invest in or buy your product or service if you don’t believe in it yourself.
2. Always re-visit your why
There are so many challenges along the path of building a business, that it can be demotivating in the start up phase and the first few years. The pandemic situation has unfortunately ;eft many casualties around as many businesses were forced to shut down. Seeing this can affect your determination and mindset. To get back on track, assess why you started your venture in the first place.
Ask yourself why you started and more importantly, what problem are you set out to solve. Answering these can get you back in the driving seat.
3. Do not be afraid to get support
Finding a community and fellow entrepreneurs can prove to be invaluable. Connecting with a mentor who has been through the steep learning curves of running a business is key to keeping your mindset in top form. They will be able to share their insights and experiences with you which will help strengthen your entrepreneurial mindset.
Engaging with mentors that you admire and respect and fostering genuine relationships with like minded entrepreneurs, can go a long way to keep you motivated and inspired.
After all, entrepreneurship is a calling, and you are unlikely to be understood by those in your inner circle who have not ventured down the path of entrepreneur. Your day-today challenges will seem like foreign territory, which is why surrounding yourself with supportive entrepreneurs is essential.
Join a business mentoring program or partner with someone in your industry. Own up that you may not know everything and that learning from a certified business coach can develop a strong growth mindset.
4. Tenacity
Tenacity and determination is critical to building on your entrepreneurial mindset. All successful people have started out where you are today. Each time they showed up, made improvements and saw results, their confidence grew. They learnt that through the single mindedness of purpose you can develop confidence, and so can you.
Try not to get discouraged when things don’t work out, it’s part of being an entrepreneur. Failure is inevitable when you’re taking risks and trying things that you have never done before.
But when you fail, there’s an opportunity keep learning, keep growing and keep those positive affirmations going!
“ Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill
5. Get out of your comfort zone
Ever hear the saying: “You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone’” or “change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ?
Intentionally leaving the comfort zone goes hand-in-hand with a growth mindset. While the fixed mindset keeps us trapped by fear of failure, the growth mindset expands the possibilities.
We have already established that being an entrepreneur is not comfortable. It’s actually ‘hella’ uncomfortable, you will be faced with setbacks, self doubt, failure and criticism. However, on the other side of that, is the amazing feeling of achievement that comes from building something out of nothing.
Do things you’ve never done before and push yourself to do something that scares you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable sometimes. Challenge yourself each day by learning a new skill or pushing past self-imposed boundaries.
Evolving your entrepreneurial mindset is an every day task.
Stay focused and committed to your goals and long-term vision.
An entrepreneurial mindset can be developed and enhanced through shared entrepreneurial experiences.
Join our Mindset for Success workshop to equip yourself with the tools essential to expanding your entrepreneurial mindset.
Book your seat here.