7 benefits to networking for entrepreneurs
Looking for reasons to attend our networking breakfasts?
What is networking and why do we have to do it an an entrepreneur?
In our blog post we we will list 8 benefits we know if that networking can impact you and your business, so let’s dive in. Here is to hoping it will inspire you to grow and enhance your network.
1. It Helps Build Your Brand
It’s a rhetorical question, but, Does your business have a brand? So… Yes. And a large part of that brand is you.
People connect with people and when you network you get to allow your customers to experience you, your values and what your brand stands for. People then start associating you and how they experience you with your business.
The more people you network with, the more people get to know about you, your business and what it represents. When more people become familiar with your brand and business if allows for greater exposure and opportunities.
2. It Widens your Sphere of Influence
This concept hardly needs explanation because the more people you meet and get to know, the more people will know you. So it’s essential that when people remember you they remember you for the right reasons.
If you leave the right impression, chances are that people will think about you, and essentially your business and will most likely come up in conversation with people outside of your circle and therefore affecting your sphere of influence.
3. It Has a Positive Influence on Your Personality and Sense of Well-Being
Being around successful people can positively influence you and be a great motivator, allowing you to be inspired. Networking will also allow you to connect with other like minded individuals that will let you know you are not alone and allow you to feel part of a community.
Connecting with people on a human level also gives a powerful boost to your sense of well-being.
4. It allows you to Practice your Pitch
While many people fear speaking in public, networking and consistently telling people about your business can greatly impact or mitigate this fear. Meeting new people and telling them about your business can also allow you to experiment with what and how you tell people about your business and see what really drives them to become interested in what you do.
You will also gain confidence by repeating your pitch to people which is an important trait to have being an entrepreneur.
5. Business Networking Raises your Profile
People can only support you if they know about you. Networking raises your profile through constant interaction, because you are building existing relationships but also because you are meeting new people on an ongoing basis.
As you help others with advice and collaboration, you may become a resource and there is no better referral than word of mouth.
As your profile is enhanced through networking, you will find that you will get more referrals and more business.
6. Your Network Becomes a Resource
As mentioned above by helping others, connecting others to others and collaborating you can become a resources within other people’s networks.
By connecting with like minded individuals you create space to connect with someone who is or has experienced the same problem you are experiencing and can assist you will how to handle it effectively and conversely you can do the same for others.
7. Business Networking Presents Opportunities
Here we circle back to the concept of collaboration. When you get to know more people and create a trusted circle you open yourself up to more opportunities. This might include partnerships, new ventures, cross-promotions, joint-promotions, investments and more.
So put these benefits to the test and join us at our next networking breakfast. Click here to book.